Monday, May 26, 2014

RI•Start Broga Outbac 2014

23th-24th May 2014 The most enjoyable camp we had. We are a design student, who create miracles. Had so much fun with them at Broga Outbac. The moment I saw everyone enjoyed in the camp so much after weeks and month of preparation and they didnt regret for joining this camp with us. Seriously I'm so happy to hear that :P Same place, different people, different experience :D

Monday, May 19, 2014

Orientation May intake 2014

RI•START is the club which organising May intake orientation in 2014. I cant believe that we actually make this happen. I'm so glad with all the supporting team behind and do all the job with me, we having meeting over and over just to make a sucessful one for all the newbies. And yes, I think we did it well! BWAHAHHAHA Once again, thanks to Ms Jolly, Celine, Ann Yong, Klose ,Tyler, Minghao, Auguss, Jasmine, Yoyo, KH, Dylan, Bryan and Ron. In the early morning was abit messed up but after that we all manage to bring back what we supposed to do. Lastly, we just hope the newbies have fun! :D

Monday, May 12, 2014


其实,我不是怕黑,只是面对黑暗,往往会带给我一种压迫感。 我怕,我真的很怕,有一天,我失明了,我再也看不见,这世界的彩虹。 彩虹,给了我希望的感觉,是的,我很爱彩虹。 如果有一天,我失明了,我的世界可能就是这一片黑暗。 不可以,我真的接受不了这黑暗压迫的感觉。 面对黑暗,我想是我最恐惧的事。 没有了希望,我不懂得如何继续看这美好的一切。 可能有了视线对某些事情看得太透了,但是还是希望说,看得见总比看不见来的好。 只是想说,能看见这世界是上帝带给我最好的礼物。 也希望大家能珍惜现在能看得见的一切。

Sunday, March 2, 2014

11 years of Baby Sitter

28/2/2014 I was on my bed and planned not to wake up early since there is no class every friday. My mum woke me up at 9.30am with a very bad news to me that my baby sitter had passed away. I jump up from my bed and went to shower immediately. My mum was swiping her fb that time and saw a news that her son posted status regarding this so my mum contact him. I wonder is that tears or water when Im showering. Thinking that is this a dream or reality, I dont know. I hope that this is still a dream that Im still on my bed. After that My parents and me went to aunty house. I saw a blanker covering a people. How i hope this is not her when I open the cover. The moment my mum open it, I felt so painful in my heart that my aunty lying on the floor covering with a blanket. She passed away peacefully on the couch. I tears on the spot. I dont know how. I know her since I was 5 months old. and now Im 19. 19 years, somehow she is like my 2nd mum. Everyday after school I will stay at her house until 7pm an my mum with fetch me and my brother from her house. And now, I feel like the person that really know me had passed away. I touch her face, was cold. Her eyes closed so nicely without any worry. At night, I went for her funeral and sat there for hours. 4 of us, which take care by her was finally met up after N years. We took some photos. How I wish that aunty could join 4 of us for the picture.
1/3/2014 Today, I went her funeral again. Thinking that will she wake up suddenly and ask why she is in the coffin. How I hope this will happen. As the same, I sat on one of the chair there for hours listening those people chatting about Aunty. Well, I miss her. 2/3/2014 In the morning 7.30am, we reach aunty house. Today, aunty will be cremation and send her back to Ipoh where her husband and his elder son stay in, together. There are bands playing those sad songs and I see her for the last time, the very very last time. Her face was smiling with her eyes closed. We sat bus to Shah Alam for the cremation ceromony. The moment she was send into the so called "oven", everyone cries. She was the person who teach me not to be picky eaters, her cooking was fantastic which I still remember how the taste like. She was the one who touch my forehead with her cold hand to see whether Im on fever. She was the one who I learn how to make pancake from. I still remember everytime she's cooking dinner, I will take a chair and stand high up to watch her cooking. She the one who make sandwiches which I manage to eat 4 to 5 pieces of bread. The ingredient such as cucumber and mashed cooked egg with mayonaise ONLY. I loves her steam brinjal with some chili. I loves her soup, all the soup. I miss her ribena which she will make 4 cup together for us. And yes, I miss her. Take care and Rest In Peace alright.
This picture was taken 2013 August which I passed my her house and visit her.
4 of us 2001 > 2014 . Picture taken by her on 2001. 13 years after.

Monday, February 24, 2014


今年的第一封信,二月都快结束,怎么那么快我的天啊。。。 说真的,今年没什么目标,就是慢慢的,细细的,品尝这别有一番风味的设计学生生活。 其实啊,人生,只要过着自己想要的生活,就是为自己负责任,开开心心,不就好了吗。相反的,过着不是自己梦寐以求的生活怎能开心呢? 6年前,设计其实就已经在我脑海里兜兜转转,自然而然就走进了设计路线,虽然当中经过不少风雨,可是相信只要是为了自己想要的生活,唯有追求了。 也或许,未来的自己不当设计师或是什么的,但是毕竟我已经选择了这条路,总该为自己附上少少代价与责任吧。所以今天的凯恩,过得很开心。虽然每天不是如我所想的那么顺利,但是雨天后总有晴天,没事的。
这是上个星期,中五5P2/2012聚会与级任老师拜年的合影,想说,大家都走着不同路线,但是为了这次聚会,大家都忙里偷闲的来到了,虽然人不齐,还有的已经出国生造,但是相聚了,大家还是那么无聊,那晚,吹水的吹水,吃的吃,笑的笑。。。大家都有着自己的梦想,很开心。 总而言之,2014的开始还过的不错,但愿大家都过得开开心心吧~