Thursday, April 4, 2019

I'm back, after 2.4 years away from home.

Good Day! I'm BACK! When I open my eye, I see the wall, I see the curtain, I'm in my own room, not my room in the UK anymore. Alright, this 2.4years, its been challenging, happy, tears, and of course, I made friends with a lot of people there! I've been travelling in the holiday, when to most of the places in the Europe, and stepped into the 30th country in my life at Paris. I'm glad that the people I met who taught me a lot of things, those who left, and those who stayed, I'm grateful. Places I went during these days: Iceland, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Denmark, Malta, Turkey, Greece, Paris and Amsterdam. It's been cool and great days. I've worked part time in a restaurant in the UK, CHILLI PADI as a waitress. Serving nice and cool Malaysian food, such as rendang, curries, roti canai, chicken rice and more! I've been enjoying chatting to customer who loves asian foods, they are lovely! Besides, thanks to my bosses who willing to give me opportunity working in their restaurants, met cool staff as well! I would like to express my gratitude to my lecturers in Northumbria University, who always there if we face our academic problem, reply our email so soon, solving our problems in such a great way. I've also learned to become more independent and better. (I think so HAHAHHHA) And now, I'm back, back in reality, waking up with loads of stress, not student anymore, to earn more money for future, to prepare next stage of working life. Wish me luck! <3 Cheers!

Thursday, June 30, 2016


30.06.2016 还有一个月,就结束我五个月半的”设计师”工作。这四个月半以来,学习到不少,人与人之间的沟通,卓越的精神,团队的力量。 话说,在最后的一个月,希望能有更多的学习。

Thursday, March 24, 2016


好吧,我毕业了。在还没继续生造前,我选择了在室内设计公司担任设计师。 设计师听起来就是一个充满创意,富有艺术细胞,穿着时尚,给人不一样的感觉。 现实中往往不如幻想,整个就是反过来看。 担任设计师的第一份工,累的我恨不得回家就睡觉。 虽然很累,但这条路毕竟是我9年前选择的,我并没有后悔。 别人常说,把梦想当工作最幸福,是的,即使很累,可是累得开心,没有遗憾。 即使这份工不长久,但我用尽我的力量去学习,去探索,将来生造一定有帮助。 也希望看的人为自己的梦想战斗。

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


对我而言,幸福就是那一瞬间,发自内心的笑。 看见我在乎的人笑,自己不自觉的嘴角上扬。

Saturday, August 15, 2015



Thursday, August 6, 2015


十年前,老师还说谁要当巡查员就自我推荐,写信给老师,三年级时当过巡查员的我,毫不犹豫就写了信交给老师,因为当时巡查员很好玩的哦!! :D
十年前, 考试时,我坐在两个朋友中间,他们要求我传纸条作弊,我傻傻的帮了他们,他们不仅没有感激我,被老师捉到时,拖了我一起,他妈的,当时老师把我们的科学考卷给了不及格,好无辜,好难忘。
十年前, 我在家跌倒,下巴缝了针,也因为如此,我妈不在让我继续我的篮球校队训练,而且那时还是比赛之前。
如今, 十年后的自己。
可是好景不长久,遇到的人并没有想象中的好相处, 什么样的人都有。

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Life of Internship.

Time flies, there is so much to fear.
More than a year since my last post.
Between the whole year, many things happen, there is really a lot.
Someone came in to my life and someone just gone.
Im in Singapore for a month already. A month ago was damn freaking wanna leave my house.
But I seem to be wrong, I hate my life at here. I really mean it.
I couldnt express how I hate my life here, but Im just super negative at here.
I know this wasnt me, but I couldnt smile and laugh happily which I really used to it, somehow I miss it.
This life is sucks than I'm in Army Camp. At least I get enough food and enough sleep and also I make alot of friend inside.
I can only laugh through the jokes in facebook..... slowly I get annoyed of myself, I just dont know how to overcome this sad life Im having.
The only things I can do is, wait time to pass, and get back to my own real life.
I know I should learn something from here, but I couldnt get myself feeling better.
I need a life. Singapore is small which I almost traveled every places for tourist.
I just staying on weekend to finish my dramas and try not to think anything.
There is my life of 4 month. 3 more months to go.....

Monday, May 26, 2014

RI•Start Broga Outbac 2014

23th-24th May 2014 The most enjoyable camp we had. We are a design student, who create miracles. Had so much fun with them at Broga Outbac. The moment I saw everyone enjoyed in the camp so much after weeks and month of preparation and they didnt regret for joining this camp with us. Seriously I'm so happy to hear that :P Same place, different people, different experience :D

Monday, May 19, 2014

Orientation May intake 2014

RI•START is the club which organising May intake orientation in 2014. I cant believe that we actually make this happen. I'm so glad with all the supporting team behind and do all the job with me, we having meeting over and over just to make a sucessful one for all the newbies. And yes, I think we did it well! BWAHAHHAHA Once again, thanks to Ms Jolly, Celine, Ann Yong, Klose ,Tyler, Minghao, Auguss, Jasmine, Yoyo, KH, Dylan, Bryan and Ron. In the early morning was abit messed up but after that we all manage to bring back what we supposed to do. Lastly, we just hope the newbies have fun! :D

Monday, May 12, 2014


其实,我不是怕黑,只是面对黑暗,往往会带给我一种压迫感。 我怕,我真的很怕,有一天,我失明了,我再也看不见,这世界的彩虹。 彩虹,给了我希望的感觉,是的,我很爱彩虹。 如果有一天,我失明了,我的世界可能就是这一片黑暗。 不可以,我真的接受不了这黑暗压迫的感觉。 面对黑暗,我想是我最恐惧的事。 没有了希望,我不懂得如何继续看这美好的一切。 可能有了视线对某些事情看得太透了,但是还是希望说,看得见总比看不见来的好。 只是想说,能看见这世界是上帝带给我最好的礼物。 也希望大家能珍惜现在能看得见的一切。